
10 Reasons Why Blogging Benefits Senior Living Marketing

Written by Next Wave Care | Jul 18, 2017 11:47:00 AM

Blogging for your senior living marketing campaigns is vital to building a strong and authoritative brand online. In 2017, no company should be without an active blogging campaign that produces ongoing quality content for their followers and customers.

In fact, its one of the best ways to reach seniors online as more consumers are leveraging search to look up information and find solutions to their problems. Your blog opens doors for countless opportunities including more traffic to your website, capturing leads, and boosting engagement with your social followers. It is a major piece to your inbound marketing strategy.

Actually, here are the top ten reasons why having a blog will positively impact your senior living marketing.

1) Positions Your Company as a Thought Leader and Expert

One of the major benefits of blogging for assisted living or independent living facility is that it positions you as an authority in the industry. You see, your blog is an outlet to share your expertise while answering common questions, providing solutions, and being a “go-to source” that people refer to in this niche. It’s a great way to boost thought leadership and separate you from competitors.


2) Gets You Noticed in the Search Engine

Did you know that companies who blog receive a whopping 97% more links to their website? (Source: Hubspot) Blogging is perhaps the best way to being located in the search engines like Google. Every time you publish a new blog post, that’s another piece of online real estate you’ve established on the web about your brand.  By optimizing your blog post, you increase SEO to having your content be found on Google and other search engines.


3) Boost Engagement from Your Audience

Through sharing your content and commenting on your posts, your blog creates the perfect opportunity to boost engagement from your audience and get them more involved with your brand. Readers are able to interact with your content by giving feedback and asking questions, giving you the chance to reply back. You’ll gain real insight into what your ideal customers are thinking, which is great data for your marketing. This responsiveness also positively impacts SEO ranking.



4) Communicate Your Vision and Mission

Your blog provides a platform for you to express the vision, mission, and goals of your assisted living facility to gain real trust with your readers. Conveying this message builds that know, like and trust factor with your audience. Blogging is a channel to show the world who you really are and create transparent, authentic experiences to connect with prospective customers.


5) Drives New and Repeat Traffic to Your Content

Research shows that companies who blog have 55% more website visitors. Additionally, 80% of daily blog visits are new (Source: Right Mix Marketing). Consistently blogging sends fresh eyeballs to your content, increasing brand awareness and expanding your online reach. With more website visitors comes more inbound lead generation and sales opportunities..


6) Reliable Lead Generation Source

Small businesses experience a 126% more lead growth when they blog compared to those that don't. If you’re looking for more ways to bolster your lead generation, blogging is it!  Since leads are critical to any sales organization, it’s crucial to focus on creating quality blog content to attract the right traffic, thus the right leads to your sales funnel.


7) Keeps Your Website Up-to-Date with Fresh Content

Blogging is a medium for you to keep your market abreast of trending topics, related industry news, advancements, inspirational messages…anything that continues to add value to their lives. You give your audience a reason to keep visiting your site because you’re constantly keeping it updated. This in turn further improves your SEO strategy in getting in front of new prospects. Google's search algorithm also uses fresh constantly updated content as a main driver in search results. 


"Small businesses that blog get 126% more leads than small businesses that do not blog.

-Think Creative


8)Content to Share with Your Email List and Social Media Followers

Compelling content (like good blog articles) is one of the top 3 reasons people will follow a brand on social media (Source: Salesforce Marketing Cloud). Also, email subscribers are 3 times more likely to share your content via social media than visitors from other sources. These statistics reveal the importance of sharing valuable content with your email list and subscribers to boost brand awareness. Your blog posts is an ideal tool to achieving both objectives.


9) Generate New Business

A massive 70% of customers say blogs influence what they buy. Simply put, blogging has a significant impact on improving revenue and generating new business for your company. It’s important to mention that having a clear understanding of your audience is crucial to creating content that result in leads and sales. One of the best ways to gaining this clarity is by developing buyer personas.



10) Ideal Source for Repurposing Content

The good news about creating long-form blog content and blogging regularly is that you end up with a vault full of content to feed your other marketing channels. You can take one blog post and convert it into multiple forms to distribute throughout the web, or repurposing your content.

For example, along with sharing your blog with your list, you can cover the same details in a video to appeal to auditory learners. Also, design visuals that complement your blog content to publish on your Facebook Business Page. Infographics are phenomenal visual content pieces to share on social media. Finally, you can leverage sites like Quora where you post a question, answer it, and share your blog post that delves deeper into the topic. With content repurposing, you will never run out of content to share with your audience. 


Blogging is the hub to your entire inbound marketing strategy. It’s by far the best tool to establishing authority in the assisted living niche, generating ongoing traffic to your content, capturing leads, and improving engagement. Commit to bolstering your blogging strategy to experience these amazing benefits in your business. You’ll be glad you did! Read our other blog posts an website pages to get more information about content marketing for senior care.